Monday, February 10, 2014

Cowboys and Aliens

Yes that title says aliens. Cowboys and Aliens is one of the most fun movies I feel like I have ever seen. It seems like it was kind of random, and maybe came out of nowhere. But it is just a really fun movie to watch.

Daniel Craig is the star of this film, along with Harrison Ford. We have these two older actors who are just a couple of bad-A cowboys. The story is basically the same alien story you normally hear- Aliens coming to earth, people not understanding what is happening, humans being abducted and experimented on, that kind of thing. 
One thing that I love about this movie is Daniel Craig's character. He doesn't think twice about anything. He just drops people everywhere he goes, and doesn't stop when something is on his mind. After seeing him as James Bond, it's hard to see him as anything else, but this still has him being very cool.  

Like I said before, this movie is just fun to watch. Just pure entertainment. It's fun to see Harrison Ford still making it on the screen. The cast also includes Olivia Wilde and Sam Rockwell. 
The film is directed by Jon Favreau, who directed Iron Man and Iron Man 2. It just seems like it was a fun idea and a fun film to make. Definitely check it out if you have not. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Red Dead Redemption - Undead Nightmare

We've all heard of Grand Theft Auto, one of the most popular and also one of the most M rated games out there. From the same developers- Rockstar Games, comes Red Dead Redemption.

Set in the old west, your character is John Marsden. Basically, the point of the game is the same as Grand Theft Auto- open world, lots of weapons, and free will to do whatever you want. Of course there are missions and side objectives to the game, but players are free to do whatever they choose. Anyway, like mentioned before, the game is set in old western times- cowboys, indians, outlaws, all that fun stuff. The form of transportation is a horse and that's pretty much it. Players make friends, enemies and do whatever it takes to survive in these times and make it through the main quest.

Then, Rockstar Games took it up a notch, and released Red Dead Redemption - Undead Nightmare. This game takes place after the original, but in a way it is also during the original as well. All the characters know you and you know all the locations still. The only thing that is different- Zombies. Yes, out in the old west, the zombie apocalypse is in motion and the only thing to worry about is survival. In the original game, players had to worry about money, ammunition, reputation. In Undead Nightmare, having enough ammunition and knowing how to use your weapons is the only thing that matters. Surviving all the chaos and finding out how to stop it.

I love this game. There isn't a whole lot to it, except for killing zombies with a lot of different guns which is really cool. It is pretty realistic with killing them- multiple shots to the body only causes a little stagger to someone who is already dead, but one head shot drops them instantly. I enjoy all the games developed by Rockstar Games. Not always the most wholesome games, but can be very entertaining  when handled maturely.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


For years, I have had the box sets of Smallville just sitting on a shelf. I had watched them all in the past, but I was younger and a lot of it I didn't remember. My wife Lena decided that she wanted to try it out, and she was hooked. We have been watching it ever since.

I have really been enjoying this show. Like every other show, it has good episodes and bad, cheesy and dorky moments, but I forgot how many things do actually tie in with the Superman story.
Smallville is a television show that started in 2001 and ran for a very long 10 years, ending in 2011. It is the story of Clark Kent, or Superman, during his life in Smallville, Kansas with Jonathan and Martha Kent. The show begins with Clark being found in a corn field by the Kents, and we soon see him in High School. High School age is where the show focuses for the first few seasons, and we follow Clark as he grows up. 

We get to witness Clark obtain all the powers that we have seen in the Superman films. Throughout the show, heat vision, x-ray vision, super hearing, super breath, and eventually flight come into play. Key characters are in the show, such as Lex Luthor, Lana Lang, Lois Lang, and others. As well as some familiar villains along with Lex Luthor, as well as Zod. The show develops it's own Justice League eventually, without mentioning the name Justice League. 
This show does a lot of hinting and mentioning things that Superman fans will notice and get excited about. Seeing the Superman "S" around, hearing lines such as "General Zod doesn't take orders, he gives them," and more. Christopher Reeve played a small role, before his passing, Margot Kidder comes in for a bit as well. Also, Terrance Stamp, who played the role of General Zod in the original Superman films, does the voice of Jor-El. Things like that make the show very fun to watch.

The show aired for a very long time, but I guess when there is a show based on the greatest super hero of all time, there needs to be a good long story.