Sunday, August 5, 2012

Neighborhood Watch

The other night, my friend Josh and I went to see the new movie The Watch. The reason I wanted to see it was because it was directed by Akiva Schaffer. You may know him as one of the members of The Lonely Island. And everybody knows Andy Samberg, who is also in The Lonely Island and the movie Hot Rod, which is one of my favorite movies. Akiva also directed Hot Rod, so I was very excited to see The Watch, and see how comedic it was going to be, since Hot Rod is a very funny movie.

So The Watch is about a man named Evan (Ben Stiller) who forms a group called The Neighborhood Watch, after a man is killed in his Costco store. Bob (Vince Vaughn), Franklin (Jonah Hill), and Jamarcus (Richard Ayoade) are the 3 who join Evan in his neighborhood watch. They patrol the streets and watch for trouble. They soon discover that the cause behind all these other murders in the town is.... aliens. So they have to team up and save the rest of the world from the aliens, who want to blow up the earth.

The movie had it's comedic moments, but it was very crude. Too crude for my taste. But it was rated R, so I kind of saw it coming, but I still saw it. You never know until you see it. And of course, tons of swearing. Seeing Ben Stiller drop the F-Bomb kind of ruins him for me. But he was still pretty funny in it. I'm usually not a fan of Vince Vaughn, but he was funny. He played a dad who was very protective over his teenage daughter, and beat up some kid who treated her disrespectfully, so that made me like him. And I usually don't like Jonah Hill either, but he had his moments in this movie. I felt the same way when I saw 21 Jump Street. He is a freak, but he has very funny moments.
But definitely the main reason, and the funniest reason to see this movie is Richard Ayoade. Everybody knows him from The IT Crowd. One of the funniest shows I have seen in my life. He is such a funny guy. His character in the movie is exactly the same as in The It Crowd. In The It Crowd, he is dorky nerd who works in the IT department of a big company. He rarely gets any calls for anything, and he just does weird funny things with his friend Roy and other friend Jen. Definitely worth a watch.

I was disappointed to see that it was not like Hot Rod at all. Yes, it was completely different movie, but I was hoping to be equally happy with it. I was hoping Andy Samberg would have an appearance in the movie, and he did, but in a scene that I do not want to talk about...... If you want to see it, see the movie.
But overall, I don't need to see the movie again. Seeing once, having some laughs, was good, but I don't need all the dirty jokes and crude humor.
Hot Rod is a far better movie. Still has a little crude things in it, but it just focuses more on being funny.
The Watch is a one time thing movie.

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